Attn: Kito Enya,

I am in receipt of your details and will proceed to the high court to do the documents once I receive the amount required to process them, Which is one thousand four Hundred and fifty Euros [1,450] this amount will cover all documentations and administrative work. I will send you copies of the original copy once I receive them from the high court here in Den Haag.

I would prefer that you cover this charges by western Union money transfer Services, below are the details of my accountant to whom you are to make the payment:

First name: STANLEY
Last name: GEORGE

Beeklaan 317 2562 AJ Den Haag The Netherlands.

After sending the charges, we require the following sender details from you:

First Name:
Last Name:
Money Control Number:

Yours truly,
Barrister David Ellis Esq. Tel: 0031.644.763.360
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